Thursday 5 September 2013

Zac Efron Flaunts Sexy Washboard Abs on Set of Neighbors

Zac Efron, Neighbors Universal Pictures

Zac Efron looks yummier than the food he's barbecuing.

The 25-year-old looks sexier than ever as he flaunts his washboard abs while grilling food during a backyard bash in his new movie Neighbors.

Efron plays the head of a frat house who doesn't exactly get along with his neighbors, a couple played by Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne in the comedy, which is due out in May 2014.

LOOK: Zac Efron+a kitten=too cute to handle

Although the actor's hunky appearance is no surprise to anyone, costar Rogen couldn't help but comment about just how good-looking Efron is.

"Zac Efron is incredibly handsome," he said at an event in May. "I did a scene with him, and we're both shirtless, and it was a very humbling experience. I marveled at the fact that we're literally the same species."

We marvel at him all the time.

PHOTOS: More evidence of Zac Efron's hotness

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