Friday 2 August 2013

Spike Lee Plans To Use Kickstarter To Fund Next Film

Spike Lee has a habit of doing things differently when it comes to making his movies, and when he announced his latest picture you could bet that it wasn't just going to be your average movie announcement. Lee is the latest movie-maker to use fan-funding site Kickstarter to get his next project on the road, asking generous fans for donations to get the follow-up to Red Hook Summer off the ground.

Spike Lee
Lee is the latest filmmaker to resort to Kickstarter to fund his next movie

Lee set up his Kickstarter page earlier today (July 22), giving fans a one month period (until August 21) to empty their pockets and give generously so that the multi-millionaire can find the money to turn his next film into reality. The title for the film, for now only known as 'The Newest Hottest Spike Lee Joint,' hasn't been revealed, nor has any potential storyline, however at the beginning of his pledge Lee does promise that the film will be a must-see for "Human beings who are addicted to blood. Funny, sexy, and bloody (and it's not 'Blacula')."

"I say my Prayers every night because I have been able to do what I Love and I Love what I do. I am a Filmmaker and I'm blessed," Lee starts his Kickstarter request. "With the current climate in The Hollywood Studio System it's not an encouraging look for Independent Filmmakers. I'm not hating, just stating the facts. Super Heroes, Comic Books, 3D Special EFX, Blowing up the Planet Nine Times and Fly through the Air while Transforming is not my Thang. To me it's not just that these Films are being made but it seems like these are the only films getting made."

Spike Lee BET Awards
Lee has promised donators some special gifts for their generosity

This is more than just a petty cry out for money though, as Lee has promised the most generous donators a slew of special prizes. Those who pledge $5 will receive a special thank you Tweet from the filmmaker himself and access to special behind the scenes updates, whilst $20 pledgers will be given access to a special online screen of the film during it's opening week, on top of the behind the scenes footage. For those of you who are feeling even more generous, pledges of $250 or more will receive two tickets to the world premiere of the film in Los Angeles and $1,000 get you a spot as an extra in the movie. $5,000 will earn you an Associate Producer credit on the film's closing titles and $10,000 will win you a dinner for two with Lee himself, as well as court-side seats (also with Lee in tow) to see his beloved New York Knicks at the Madison Square Garden arena in New York.

Head over to his Kickstarter page if you want to make a contribution, even if you're still a little disappointed that he won't be doing a Bracula re-make.

Spike Lee NY Knicks
Lee is an ardent Knicks fan

View the original article here

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