Friday 2 August 2013

The MTV VMAs Are The Perfect Scene For Lady Gaga's Return

Lady Gaga and MTV go together like… well, like Lady Gaga and MTV. That’s why you probably won’t be surprised to find out that part of Gaga’s comeback – yes, six months does warrant a comeback in music industry terms – will be an appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards this year. And if the show is anything like her past VMA appearances, then be prepared for it to get big and seriously strange.

Lady Gaga, Equadorian Embassy
After a low-key start to 2013, fans expect nothing short of a blowout.

After all, the combination of Lady Gaga and the VMA is what brought us the blood-soaked performance of Paparazzi, the gender bending rendition of You and I, and of course, there’s the meat dress… ah, the good old days. Luckily, it’s not all in the past – Gaga is the first performer announced to take the stage at Brooklyn’s Barclay’s Center for the VMAs.

Lady Gaga, Twitter Photo
We wonder if she'll go blonde again?

Mark your calendars for 9pm on August 25th, the time of this year's VMAs. Mother Monster is set to perform her first single off ARTPOP – a song, which is as of yet untitled, but may or may not be called Applause, as per the Instagram account of Lady Gaga’s makeup artist. The single will be released on August 19th, while ARTPOP won’t be out until November 11.

Lady Gaga, Ecuadorian Embassy
Or is this a whole new Gaga we're seeing?

View the original article here

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