Friday 2 August 2013

The Wolverine to tease new X-Men movie

'The Wolverine' will feature a scene teasing 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'.

Actor Hugh Jackman - who reprises his role as the claw-wielding superhero in both upcoming films - has revealed that there will be a scene in the credits of his new solo adventure which will lead into next year's blockbuster 'X-Men' movie directed by Bryan Singer.

He said: ''If you stay on after the credits you get to see a nice little preview for Bryan's next film.''

'X-Men: Days of Future Past' will see many of Jackman's co-stars from the original superhero trilogy - which ran between 2000 and 2006 - return, including Halle Berry, Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen, and the cast have had a ''phenomenal'' time filming the movie.

Jackman added to ''It has been phenomenal. I think all of the actors who were in it before just love being back together and everyone is excited about it.''

The film will also feature stars from 2011 prequel film, 'X-Men: First Class' - such as Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender - and the actor is extremely excited about the all-star cast.

He said: ''It's a really great story, great concept, and in my position as Wolverine, I get to act with them all. I mean it's truly one of the great ensembles I think ever put together, so I'm really having a great time.''

View the original article here

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